Mindpark Installation

A Safe Return to Collaborative Workspaces

Lumenlabs, LLC installed proprietary Far-UVC Lumenizer™ disinfection technology throughout Mindpark’s Helsingborg, Sweden location. Three Lumenizer™ units disinfect Mindpark’s coworking space, café, and event rooms. The installation has improved air quality and allowed customers and employees at Mindpark to comfortably work, relax, and connect with others in person. At Lumenlabs, we are excited to create environments that allow a safe return to work and everyday life, just like we’ve seen with the reopening of Mindpark.


The Problem vs. The Solution

The problem: Mindpark in Helsingborg, Sweden wanted to find a system that would allow their customers and employees to return back to their studios safely. They needed an effective and affordable solution that could be installed in a variety of ceiling heights and work spaces.

The solution: The Lumenizer 300™ was installed throughout the premises of Mindpark, specifically in high-traffic areas. This install allows continuous sanitation throughout the space, thanks to filtered Far-UVC disinfection. Now customers and employees can safely and comfortably return to collaborative work spaces.

"Thanks to Lumenizer, we have extra security in our reception area, and one of our conference rooms has become a safe room that is completely disinfected. It is in our nature to always want to test new technological innovations, so this feels completely in line with our values ​​as a company."

— Helene Tigerström at Mindpark Helsingborg

Total Coverage

Lumenizer 300 Units Disinfect Multiple Spaces at Mindpark



Co-Working Spaces

Nano Far-UVC Filter Safely Emits peak Far-UVC (222nm).

Conventional germicidal UV light, emitting around 254nm, revolutionized modern medicine with a highly efficient means to disinfect unoccupied spaces like hospitals and surgical theaters but is unsafe for human exposure. All Lumenizer™ 300 bulbs come with a Nano Far-UVC filter that blocks harmful UV light, effectively emitting a peak output of Far-UVC light (222nm) to inactivate pathogens while being perfectly safe to people and animals.

 Open it, Install it, and Forget it.

What comes with the Lumenizer™️ 300.



In the box, you will receive the Lumenizer 300 unit and a ceiling mount. The fixture comes in two colors - black or white. Each Lumenizer comes with 3 bulbs pre-installed.



When it comes to installing the Lumenizer 300, the first thing to consider is the ceiling height of the room. Depending on the ceiling height, you have the option for a direct mount or pendant mount.



The Lumenizer™ 300 installation allows Mindpark to operate at full capacity. With a new perspective on safety post-pandemic, Mindpark visitors have greatly appreciated this technology.

Compliance Agencies

Lumenlabs' Far-UVC technology complies with international safety regulations. The Lumenizer filter is permanently bonded. Based on tests in an internationally accredited lab, the Lumenizer device is classified as "exempt" on its IEC 62471 report. The Lumenlabs filtered Far-UVC daily dose is lower than the exposure limit published by the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), American Society of Government Industry Hygienists (ACGIH), European Commission (EC), American National Standards Institute/Illuminating Engineering Society (ANSI/IES), and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).



To get more information on Lumenlabs and their proprietary product visit our Resource page to view the published papers to get links to Scientific Studies, FAQs, Lumenlabs’ Assets, and more.

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(888) 586-3688